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about us 

             Dr Paul Ballam-Cross is a writer, classical guitarist, and bassist. He has completed a Bachelor of Music in Performance majoring in classical guitar, and a Doctor of Philosophy, majoring in musicology. Paul is a regular reviewer for Limelight Magazine, an Australian website and monthly classical music and arts magazine, and is a casual lecturer at the University of Queensland. His research interests include exploring both transcriptions for guitar and the methods used in creating them, as well as the intersections between popular music and the internet.
Further information https://www.paulballam-cross.com/
Dr Louise Noble is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the University of New England, Australia. She has a PhD in Early Modern English Literature from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and taught in this field. She has published extensively on the intersection of literature and medicine in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century culture, including a single-authored monograph, Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture, published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2011.  More recently her work considers literature as one of the many creative voices in urgent discussions of ecological vulnerability.
Caroline Austin (MFA) is an Australian artist researcher and community engagement advisor.  Austin examines the small and poetic interactions and behaviours of human beings, including the capacity to lose, move, remember, construct, grow, to draw attention to systems of power, particularly concerning human mobility and movement. Alongisde her artistic practice, she works as a community engagement advisor and strategist in the humanitarian, holding a variety of senior level positions across the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and United Nations  http://caroline-austin.com/